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Choreographers Circle APPLICATION 2025

Choreographers Circle
A professional accompaniment fellowship

Choreographers Circle is an artistic accompaniment program that offers long-term support focused on the development of new dance works and career development. The program supports a cohort of selected choreographers over the course of a year (13 months) through individual mentorship and artistic accompaniment alongside group engagement and feedback.

Intended for choreographers who want to build and engage in a challenging and collegial community, Choreographers Circle serves as a supportive framework for broad research and creative/choreographic imagining, artistic risk-taking, reflection, and future-building, offering choreographers a rare opportunity for deep and ongoing exchange with their peers. 


Choreographers Circle provides each choreographer with private accompaniment alongside a curated program of group meetings that include shared showings and feedback sessions, discussions, and private lectures with figures from the professional fields of dance and culture. The program accompanies each artist through their artistic processes for one year, serving to support their existing commitments without the expectation of a finished product. Choreographers Circle is artistically directed by Sarah Holcman, who serves as a mentor to each artist and facilitator of group meetings, in collaboration with the Choreographic Institute's Tamar Sonn and Nitsan Margaliot.


Application deadline: December 1, 2024
Program Dates: January 2025- January 2026

Artist Eligibility

Applicants must be professional choreographers in the field of contemporary dance, based in Israel, with a minimum of three years presenting professional works.

The Details

The program will run from January 2025 - January 2026 (13 months). Five choreographers will be chosen to participate. Artists will participate in 10 group meetings over the 13-month period which will include group discussions and sharing, guest talks, feedback sessions, and more. Artists will be required to participate in at least 8 out of 10 group meetings during the 13-month period, dates to be determined with the group. Each artist will receive up to 40 hours of private accompaniment with Sarah Holcman. Additionally, artists will engage in studio visits and feedback sessions with each other over the course of the year as well as other programs of the Institute. The group will design and host one sharing/showing activity at the conclusion of the program. 


About the Application
These are the required materials to apply:

1. Letter of Interest - up to 500 words in Hebrew or English
Tell us why you want to participate in the Choreographers Circle. Describe your goals and desires for the Choreographers Circle. Tell us your plans and projects for 2025 including any known dates of creations, premieres, residencies, tours, etc. Please note that schedule and availability will be considered as a factor in the application. Artists who will be out of the country for a significant portion of the year may not be suited to participate. 


The Letter of Intent should be uploaded as a word document, one page only, 500 words or less. Font size 11 or 12. The file should be titled with your name: “Name_intent”

2. CV - two pages maximum in ENGLISH
The CV must demonstrate your education, certifications, major professional works, commissions, grants and awards, teaching, and other significant accomplishments. Do not include press quotes or video links. Student/academic performances are not considered part of professional history.

The CV should be uploaded as a word document or pdf, two pages maximum. Font size 11 or 12. The file should be titled with your name: “Name_CV”

3. OPTIONAL video - include a link to your work with a timestamp to a 1-min clip.

Applicants may be invited for a zoom meeting to discuss their proposal and ability to participate in the program.






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